Music | Movement | Connection | Team-Building


Shaping the next generation of teams


Beyond ordinary - an exceptional opportunity for team-building that bonds, excites, refreshes, and impacts.  

At the core of every strong team is an energy; a driving force that not only motivates, but opens eyes and brings everyone together. 

It’s time you ignite this energy and supercharge your team! 

The Secret Sunrise concept redefines team-building events by utilising high-impact sessions, creative thinking, and innovative technology to awe-inspire groups and break down barriers. It’s unlike anything your team has ever experienced.

Ready to bring humanness back into your workplace and the people you work with?


 This block with the past clients:


As featured in:




With the experience of hosting sessions with over

50,000 people

we know what works, and what doesn’t.







Margot de Broglie

Half French- Half German, Margot is the founder of Secret Sunrise in London.

With a bachelor’s degree in Economics from UCL and a lot of experience in the corporate world, she understands the dynamics of your team.

She discovered the Secret Sunrise concept whilst living in Cape Town, and is on a mission to bring some fresh energy into the London workforce!


Meet the team: